Hello everyone! Let's get into some marketing news. As you probably already know, Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla, bought Twitter and he has done quite a few things to change the way Twitter is being ran, like getting rid of half of their 7,500 employees. The article I'm going to be talking about today is about how Elon Musk is making Ad-free Twitter available upon subscription. This article caught my eye because I am a twitter user myself, a Twitter user who also hates all the ad's on my Twitter feed, so I was immediately interested when I read "Ad-free Twitter", I would absolutely love to be able to scroll through my twitter feed without being bombarded with a billion ad's that I want nothing to do with, but how is Twitter going to make money without ad's? Isn't that how Twitter makes its money, off of the companies that are paying Twitter to display their ads? Well, let's talk about it, as stated in NDTV's article about Musk's new Ad-free plans, not only is Musk launching Twitters Ad-fee subscription, but just a month ago, in mid December of 2022, Twitter launched a different paid subscription plan, where you can buy the Blue Check mark. Basically, the blue check mark on twitter was given to famous people and influencers, basically just to verify that the account they are using is theirs, but now Elon has made it accessible to sign up for an $8 a month plan that gives you the blue check mark, so now anyone who is willing to pay can be verified, which I can understand from the business standpoint, Musk will now be making loads of money off of people paying to be verified, but the problem with that is now the blue check mark doesn't really mean anything, now anyone can be verified, which takes away from the excitement of receiving the check mark, but again, I do understand the business side of it. Now for the main point of this marketing blog, NO ADDS?! The article is titled "Elon Musk Plans Big Change: New Subscription For Ad-Free Twitter", good marketing on their part because I instantly clicked on the article when I saw "Ad-free Twitter" but Twitter isn't just magically ad-free now, it's the same as the blue check mark subscription, there's now a subscription for an ad-free twitter experience, but Musk is also trying to make lesser adds for all users. It seems like Musk should be gliding along perfectly in his new company, but like most things, he has challenges. Twitters income is based off of ads, so if he doesn't calculate this right, he could be facing some serious financial issues, there has already been problems with the economic standing of the company since his purchasing of it. Not only does Musk have to worry about financial issues he has to worry about the publics perception of the app, not everyone is enjoying Musk's new twitter. Like most things, not everyone likes change, so Musk is dealing with some backlash on his new changes on Twitter. I think Musk has the financial and social capabilities to get Twitter where he wants it to be. Personally, if I was in Musks shoes, I would really keep pushing the ad-free subscriptions rather than pushing the Blue Check Mark, I would do this because everyone hates ads, I feel like that's a universal annoyance for all, but not everyone cares about a blue check mark, I think if he can get his revenue up by getting a large amount of the ad free subscriptions. I think Musks idea for a subscribable twitter is very smart from a financial stand point.




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